Athletic midcourter Georgie Edgecombe returns for a fourth season with the Magic in 2024. Originally a tenacious in-circle defender, Edgecombe’s lack of height has meant a transition into the midcourt in recent times where her speed and athleticism are vital assets. That has further progressed into a midcourt attacking role which provided its challenges during a steep learning curve in 2022 but dogged perseverance and resilience and increased exposure in 2023 has helped grow and develop her game. The former St Peter’s Cambridge school head girl played for the NZSS team in 2018 while also being a talented touch and basketball player. Edgecombe first made the Waikato Bay of Plenty NNL team in 2019 and travelled with the Magic to the Super Club tournament the same year. She has also been a member of the NZU21 squad.
Positions | WD, C |
Height | 177cm |